How to connect to the MapOut server in console mode
This article relates to MapOut Server 5.2 and higher when installed on a Windows 2003 server.
The best way to connect to the MapOut server remotely is to use the "console mode", especially if the MapOut service is used.
To connect to a distant server in console mode, go to Start / Run, type 'mstsc -console' (without the quotes) and click OK. This opens the Remote Desktop Connection program. Enter the computer name and click Connect.
Once logged on the server, start the Task Manager and in the Users tab, check that your ID is 0 and that you have 'console' under Session.
If the console mode is disabled on the server, go to Start / Run, type 'gpedit.msc' (without the quotes) and click OK. This opens the Group Policy configuration panel where you can enable console mode. To learn more about console mode, read the following article from the Microsoft Knowledge Base: